I roto i te ahua hou me nga whiringa kaihoko, nga taonga hiako i hangaia e te tangata penei i te hiako PVC me te Pu hiako ka whai waahi nui ki te hanga taonga penei i nga putea me nga putea. Ehara i te mea he maha nga momo momo hoahoa me nga waahanga mahi, engari he awangawanga ano mo te pumau me te paanga o te taiao. I te wa e pa ana ki enei whiringa, ko te maarama ki nga ahuatanga, nga painga me nga ngoikoretanga o ia mea he mea nui ki te whakatau whakatau kaihoko.
He aha te hiako PVC me te hiako PU
Hiako PVC:he poto mo te polyvinyl chloride, he mea kirihou hangai me te maha o nga whakamahinga, tae atu ki te hanga peeke. E mohiotia ana mo tona mauroa, whai kiko, utu utu me te kakano mohinuhinu, PVC ko te hiako te tuatoru o te ao tino rongonui i nga mea hanga kirihou-ahua.
Ko te hiako PVC ka hangaia e te polymerization o nga monomers vinyl chloride (nga ngota ngota here ranei). Ko te tukanga ka whakaputa i tetahi mea kiko, engari he maamaa ngawari ka taea te hanga ki nga momo ahua me nga rahi, na te mea he mea rongonui mo te hanga peeke me nga taputapu ahua.
Pu hiako:he poto mo te polyurethane, he mea waihanga i hangaia mai i te petrochemical. He ātete ki te abrasion me te wera, e mohiotia ana ko tetahi o nga mea tino rongonui.
Ko te waahanga matua o PU he polyurethane te hiako, he pūhui polymer i hangaia ma te tauhohenga matū i waenga i te Diisocyanates me te polyols. Ko tenei tauhohenga ka whakaputa i tetahi rauemi whai kiko me te roa ka taea te whakamahi i roto i nga momo tono, tae atu ki te hanga o Pu hiako hiako.
Nga painga o te whakamahi hiako PVC i roto i te hanga putea
1.Versatility and aesthetics Ko te kakano ahurei o te hiako PVC e tuku ana i te ngawari o te hoahoa. Ko nga waitohu me nga kaihanga e whakamahi ana i te hiako PVC ka taea te hanga i nga hoahoa putea kanohi i roto i nga momo tae, nga kakano me nga tauira. Ka taea e ia te whakataurite i te ahua o nga rawa penei i te hiako, te hanga ranei i tetahi ahua maramara motuhake i roto i tona ahua maori.
2.Durability me te roa. Ko te wera nui o te hiako pvc me te aukati abrasion ka waiho hei whiringa pai mo ia ra, mo nga haerenga, mo nga peeke taumaha ranei. Ka taea e ia te tu ki nga ahuatanga kino, penei i te makuku ki te makuku, ki te wera nui ranei, me te kore e whakararu i te kounga. Ko enei huanga ka whakarite kia mau tonu nga peeke hiako PVC i o raatau hanganga me te tono tirohanga mo te tekau tau kei te heke mai.
3.Affordable. Ko te hiako PVC he taonga utu nui ki te hiako me etahi atu papanga. Ka whakamahia e nga Kaihanga ki te hanga peeke huatau me te kore e whakararu i o raatau ahua me te kounga.
4.Waterproof. PVC leather has excellent waterproof properties and is perfect for bags that need to withstand wet environments, such as outdoor bags, travel bags, or rainproof bags. With a PVC leather bag, the wearer can be sure that their belongings remain dry and protected.
5.Easy care: PVC leather is easy to clean and care for, and it comes in handy for lazy people. It takes almost no effort to keep the backpack in tip-top shape; all the wearer needs to do is wipe away stains or dirt with a damp wipe.
The advantages of PU leather in bag manufacturing
1.Diversity and plasticity:PU leather texture is similar to genuine leather, according to different processes Pu hiako Ka taea e te hiako te pee i te ahua o te hiako pono ki tetahi waahanga, ka taea e te kaihanga te whakamahi i ona ahuatanga, ki te hanga i nga momo tae, nga momo me nga hoahoa o nga peke.
2. parewai:Pu hiako he pai te parewai, engari ko te mahi parewai e pa ana ki nga tikanga rereke, etahi Pu hiako ka tukuna nga hua ki etahi atu matū, paninga ranei hei whakarei ake i tana parewai.
3.Affordable: Ko te hiako PU he papanga utu mo nga peketua. Ko te ahua o nga pekepeke i hangaia ki a ia ka taea te whakataurite ki nga putea hiako, engari he iti rawa te utu!
4.Easy ki te horoi: Ko nga mea hiako PU he tino ngawari ki te horoi, me horoi noa e koe ki te kakahu makuku hei whakahoki mai i te putea ma.
Ko nga ngoikoretanga o te putea hiako hiako PVC
- Te ngawari: Ko te hiako PVC he ngawari, engari ki te hanga i nga peeke ngawari me te ngawari kaore pea e pai mo te whakamahi hiako PVC.
- tairongo wera: He tairongo te hiako PVC ki te wera nui. Ko nga Kaihanga, Kaituku me nga kaihoko me karo i te tuku i nga peeke hiako PVC ki te wera nui i te wa e penapena ana, e kawe ana ranei, na te mea ka taea te whakararu i to raatau hanganga me te paheketanga o te uara.
- Taumaha: He iti ake te taumaha o te hiako PVC i etahi atu rawa waihanga. Mo te pai o te haerenga, etahi atu take ranei, ko nga tangata e awangawanga ana mo te taumaha o te peketua kia karohia te whakamahi i te putea hiako PVC
- UV resistance:PVC leather is susceptible to UV degradation, especially when exposed to sunlight for long periods of time. Without proper protection, this material may fade or become brittle over time. Manufacturers can overcome this problem by using UV resistant additives or coatings.
- Environmental concerns:As an oh petroleum-based product, PVC leather may have a negative impact on the environment. Although environmentally friendly alternatives to PVC leather exist, the production of traditional PVC leather generates plastic waste and often uses harmful chemical additives. Manufacturers using PVC leather should implement appropriate recycling and waste management measures to mitigate its environmental impacts.
Disadvantages of PU leather for bag manufacturing
- Plastic texture. Pu hiako has a strong plastic texture, and bags made from it will look cheap and low quality. Can’t imitate the glossy feeling of real leather.
- Odor irritation. Because PU leather for petrochemical synthetic materials, PU leather leather odor and leather is very different, PU leather leather smells like plastic or chemicals, while the smell of leather is more natural, almost undetectable.
- Durability. PU leather leather’s durability is not good, it is easy to be pierced or torn. the service life of PU leather is about 1-2 years, when the PU leather leather aging will appear after the phenomenon of peeling, cracking.
- .Air permeability: PU leather leather does not have air holes like leather, it is not permeability. Therefore the pursuit of permeability fabric consumers can give up choosing this fabric.
- Environmental problems:one of the main problems of PU leather is its manufacturing process volatile organic compounds, they are released into the air in the form of gases from some products, including some adhesives used to produce PU leather leather and coatings. These chemicals can cause a range of health problems.
Sustainability and environmental impact of PVC leather as well as PU leather.
The environmental impact of artificial leather has been a hot topic of ongoing discussion in the field of sustainability. As plastic-based materials, the production of PVC leather & Ko te hiako PU e pa ana ki te whakamahinga o nga matū paitini me to ratou tukunga ki te taiao a tawhio noa.
Hiako PVC
- Ko te Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) ahakoa he iti te utu, he nui te utu o te hanga me te whakakore i te taiao.
- Nga tukunga dioxin: Ko te hanga o te hiako PVC ka tukuna te dioxin, he matū tino paitini e mau tonu ana i roto i te taiao me te whakaemi i roto i te mekameka kai. Kua honohia te Dioxins ki te maha o nga raruraru hauora, tae atu ki te mate pukupuku, nga mate o te punaha mate me nga raruraru whanau.
- Ko nga taapiri kino: Ko nga mea whakahiato penei i te phthalates ka taapirihia hei whakarei ake i te ngawari me te kakano o te hiako PVC. Ko enei taapiri kua hono ki te whakararu o te homoni me nga paanga kino ki te hauora o te tangata.
- Persistent Waste:Like polyurethane, PVC is not biodegradable and can accumulate in landfills, exacerbating the plastic waste crisis. Incinerating PVC releases toxic chemicals into the atmosphere, further polluting the air.
Pu Hiako
- VOC emissions VOCs are a group of chemicals that are released into the air in the form of gases from certain products, including certain adhesives and coatings used in the production of PU leather. These chemicals can cause a range of health problems (headaches, dizziness, and eye, nose, and throat problems).
- Heavy metals: for example lead and cadmium. These metals are toxic to humans and animals, and exposure to high concentrations can cause serious health problems, including nerve and kidney damage and cancer.
- non-biodegradable. PU leather materials are non-biodegradable, but can be recycled to a certain extent. However, the cost of recycling is high, and not all regions have the infrastructure to recycle PU leather. As a result, many PU leather products end up in landfills, where they can take hundreds of years to finally decompose and cause environmental degradation.
Which is better, artificial leather or genuine leather?
Generally speaking PU leather only lasts 1-2 years, PVC leather will last a little longer, but no matter what after that it will show signs of tearing and skin damage. Genuine leather, however, is different and can last a lifetime or more with proper care.
But in terms of cleaning and maintenance, PU leather and PVC leather are much easier.
In terms of ethical and environmental issues, many people will think that killing animals is unethical and avoid genuine leather, but think about it from another angle, is genuine leather really not environmentally friendly. In the case of cowhide, which is widely used and hard-wearing, leather comes from beef cattle that have been bred. This means that the leather industry is actually a by-product of the livestock and beef industries. Utilizing cowhide, which is not loved by the public, actually reduces waste.
I tua atu, ko te mea hiako he mea koiora noa iho, ahakoa me ruku ki etahi matū, kare e tata te pa ki te hiako waihanga.
When choosing whether to use PVC or PU leather, it is important to consider their advantages and disadvantages as well as their impact on the environment PVC leather is favored for its durability, versatility, and lower cost, and is particularly suited to applications where water resistance and ease of cleaning are required. However, there are negative environmental impacts associated with its manufacture, such as dioxin emissions and persistent waste issues, which need to be treated with caution. In contrast, while PU leather is more simulated and affordable, it also suffers from environmental issues such as VOC emissions and heavy metal releases, and is less durable.
From a sustainability point of view, leather is relatively more environmentally friendly as a biodegradable material and as a by-product of animal husbandry. Although it requires strict management and handling to avoid environmental pollution, under the right conditions leather is still an option with lasting value and texture.
Therefore, the selection of the right leather material should take into account functional needs, durability, cost, and environmental impact. In practical applications, the recovery and recycling of materials should also be promoted to minimize resource wastage and environmental burden.